Lookup Turkey export data of white corner shelf under HS Code 940360909000 exports. Check exporters market share, value and other export shipment details of white corner shelf under HS Code 940360909000.
Date | HS Code | Product Description | Destination Country | Quantity | Unit | Net weight [Kg] | Total value [usd] | Importer Name | Exporter Name + More Columns 34 More Columns Available
21/Feb/2020 | 940360909000 | Cadelin wall shelf wenge, keen wall shelf white-black, support wall shelf wenge, corner wall shelf white, corner wall shelf yellow, mint wall shelf yellow, classe side table wenge, triple zigne coffee table sapphire-anthracite, triple zigzag coffee table | Romania | 368 | Units | 2182.37 | 8153.58 | **** | **** |
13/Feb/2020 | 940360909000 | Slim wall rafi white - walnut, corner wall shelf white, classe side table wenge, buddy side table red anthracite, triple nesting table sapphire-anthracite, triple zigzag coffee table black - antarcite, era bookcase sapphire, long bookcase 120 cm sapphire, | Romania | 221 | Units | 1621.14 | 5625.22 | **** | **** |
27/Feb/2020 | 940360909000 | 3 zigon table yellow-anthracite, grade wall shelf white, buddy sofa coffee table sapphire shelf, berril wall shelf white red, maze wall shelf white, spring wall shelf white, spring wall shelf white, corner wall shelf white classe side table | Romania | 64 | Units | 97.54 | 1396.32 | **** | **** |