Lookup Turkey export data of white corner shelf under HS Code 940320809000 exports. Check exporters market share, value and other export shipment details of white corner shelf under HS Code 940320809000.
Date | HS Code | Product Description | Destination Country | Quantity | Unit | Net weight [Kg] | Total value [usd] | Importer Name | Exporter Name + More Columns 34 More Columns Available
11/Feb/2020 | 940320809000 | P.nova, (linea) separable shelf set white ** p.nova, bathroom shelf set (futura) transparent naturel * p.nova, (linea +) separable shelf set white ** p.nova, spring corner set plastic white * p .nova, spring corner set (vista) white ** p.nova, mirrored corner set alu.â transparent natur | Latvia | 332 | Units | 576.74 | 2359.43 | **** | **** |
01/Feb/2020 | 940320809000 | M-w22368100 wenko, n32 shower hanger natural, m-w3208010100 wenko, easy corner shelf white (in printed box) * a267863, m-w22210100 wenko, spring corner set (mini) (n41) waynali key (mini) (n03) set matte black * a268817, m-w3208010100 wenko, easy | Germany | 5127 | Units | 5150.75 | 26960.83 | **** | **** |