Lookup Turkey export data of tea products under HS Code 9403 exports. Check exporters market share, value and other export shipment details of tea products under HS Code 9403.
Date | HS Code | Product Description | Destination Country | Quantity | Unit | Net weight [Kg] | Total value [usd] | Importer Name | Exporter Name + More Columns 34 More Columns Available
03/Feb/2020 | 940350000019 | Salerno montana bedstead, komidin, sifonier, wardrobe, ranza, kepi lisbon komidin, wardrobe, bedstead, gri sonoma gardrop, rustic gardrop, bedstead (our products consist of 312 704 captains. | Belgium | 312 | Units | 18585.74 | 18604.24 | **** | **** |