Lookup Turkey export data of tea products under HS Code 611120900000 exports. Check exporters market share, value and other export shipment details of tea products under HS Code 611120900000.
Date | HS Code | Product Description | Destination Country | Quantity | Unit | Net weight [Kg] | Total value [usd] | Importer Name | Exporter Name + More Columns 34 More Columns Available
21/Feb/2020 | 611120900000 | Tlm, baby knit overalls u.k0l, tlm, baby knit overalls k.k0l, bottom, pack newborn bottoms, bcc, key orme body citcit k.kol, gpj, baby pajama pants, yãœg, basic newborn products, tkm, basic newborn team, bcc, pack newborn | Israel | 1195 | Units | 135.12 | 3554.08 | **** | **** |
03/Feb/2020 | 611120900000 | Bottom, pack yenidogan bottom, yãœg, basic yenidogan products, tkm, key yenidogan dress set, bcc, basic orme body kitã‡it kkol, pnt, key yenidogan alt, bcc, pack yenidogan body u.kol, bcc, key yenidogan body u. , tkm, key yenidogan team, yãœg, key yenidogan | Bulgaria | 1318 | Units | 127.16 | 3538.34 | **** | **** |
06/Feb/2020 | 611120900000 | Bcc, key orme body citcit k.kol, bcc, key yenidogan body k.kol, bcc, key orme body citcit u. sleeve, tlm, baby knitted overalls k.k0l, hug, basic newogan products, bcc, pack yenidogan body kol. arm, tkm, key yenidogan team | Egypt | 1150 | Units | 115.34 | 3210.28 | **** | **** |