Lookup Turkey export data of tea products under HS Code 610910000000 exports. Check exporters market share, value and other export shipment details of tea products under HS Code 610910000000.
Date | HS Code | Product Description | Destination Country | Quantity | Unit | Net weight [Kg] | Total value [usd] | Importer Name | Exporter Name + More Columns 34 More Columns Available
24/Feb/2020 | 610910000000 | Uk.tsh, cl basic orme t-shirt u.kol, icf, iã‡gym orme undershirt u.kol, uk.bdy, basic orme body u.kol, kk.bdy, basic orme body k.kol, tkm, basic knitwear -ck, tkm, key orme team-license, yãœg, basic newborn products, bcc, key orme body citcit k.kol, uk.bdy, | Georgia | 4622 | Units | 767.75 | 17189.65 | **** | **** |
26/Feb/2020 | 610910000000 | Gpj, key orme pajama k.kol, bcc, key orme body citcit k.kol, kk.bdy, key orme body k.kol-license, tkm, key orme team-license, yãœg, basic newborn products, bcc, pack newborn body k.kol, tkm, key orme takim-ck, uk.bdy | Egypt | 22923 | Units | 2190.64 | 74573.75 | **** | **** |