Access duck cloth export data of Turkey based on invoices and shipping bills by customs. Find Turkey customs data of duck cloth exports contains value, quantity, hs code, port, country and duck cloth exporters in Turkey
Date | HS Code | Product Description | Destination Country | Quantity | Unit | Net weight [Kg] | Total value [usd] | Importer Name | Exporter Name + More Columns 34 More Columns Available
21/Feb/2020 | 520831009100 | Daisy star sheer, duck cloth, daisy star | Romania | 1368 | Meter | 388.51 | 3083.52 | **** | **** |
21/Feb/2020 | 520831009100 | Duck cloth | Romania | 431 | Meter | 158.92 | 1261.39 | **** | **** |
11/Feb/2020 | 630710909000 | Duck cloth 180 cm | Saudi Arabia | 500 | Meter | 122.06 | 1295.06 | **** | **** |
17/Feb/2020 | 630710909000 | Panama cloth 1.80 cm; duck cloth | Saudi Arabia | 693 | Meter | 169.47 | 1669.49 | **** | **** |
07/Feb/2020 | 630710909000 | Duck cloth (mt) | Libya | 1783 | Meter | 231.17 | 2078.71 | **** | **** |